Cheap Dedicated Server

Dedicated Server with Unlimited Traffic,Port Speed From 250 Mbps up to 4 Gbps.

Dedicated Hosting Server features

Server As Storage:

NAS and SSD NVMe Storage Technology

Server As Backup:

FREE 100 and 500 GB Backup Device Included

Server Components

Reliable servers with high network port speed

Server Security

Anti-DDoS And Firewall Built In Protection

data center
Have a look

Why Our Dedicated Servers

Dedicated Server List

Dedicated Server Deliver between 6 Hours up to 72 Hours depends on the Model and specifications you select.

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Save $132.88by getting 2 months free with annual prepay
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Dedicated Server XHE3-SAT-1-16

Save $61.88by getting 1 months free with annual prepay
$60.99 Monthly

Dedicated Server XHS1-SAT-SSD-32

Save $96.88by getting 1 months free with annual prepay
$70.99 Monthly

Dedicated Server XHE3-SSD-SATA

Save $93.88by getting 1 months free with annual prepay
$146.14 Monthly

Dedicated Server XH-Adv1-G2

Save $106.88by getting 1 months free with annual prepay
$185.14 Monthly

Dedicated Server XH-Adv2-G2

Save $120.48by getting 0 months free with annual prepay
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Dedicated Server XHRS-5


Go Beyond Your Wildest Dreams
You can order with dedicated servers up to 256 IPs . Allow you to add High Availability to your infrastructure the main key of earn these IPs that enable you to migrate your services with ease from one server to another, associate geolocated IPs for every domain hosted or even to define dedicated IPs for every VM created.

Benefits of IP Failover:

Protect Your Servers From attackers

Dedicated Server Anti-DDoS

A DDoS attack aims to render a server, service or an infrastructure unavailable by sending a multitude of simultaneous requests from multiple points across the internet. The intensity of this “crossfire” renders the service unstable, or even worse, unavailable.

How Anti-DDoS works

During DDos Attack , Your server migrate to (VAC) technology which is combination of:
hero dog

Wide Range of Distributions Environments

Linux distributions

Debian 7; Debian 8 Old stable; Debian 9 Stable;Ubuntu Server OS ; CentOS 5; CentOS 7;Fedora 26;Fedora 27;Fedora 26;FreeBSD.

Windows Servers

Windows 2012 Standard and Datacenter Edition
Windows Server 2016 Standard and Datacenter Edition; Windows Server 2019 Standard and Datacenter Edition.


CoreOS; VMware ESXi ; Citrix Xen Server ; Proxmox VE ; SolusVM (Master) SolusVM (Slave) Windows Hyper-V Server

Hosting Control panels

Plesk ,cPanel ,DirectAdmin , SPconfig

Databases Software

SQL Server

backup drawing
Keep your data safe

Backup Device Designed for your Dedicated server

External Backup Storage

FREE 100 To 500 GB FTP Backup Storage Service with expandable feature to backup the server data. Backup support these protocols: FTP ; FTPS ; NFS ; CIFS.The NFS and CIFS protocols enable you to mount your backup space locally on your server. With ACL Security features by allowing fixed Server IP to access the backup that you decide to share between your servers.. You can Share your Backup Devices between servers ,

Data Center Location

In order to serve all our global customers for speed and high response , we offer servers from different geo locations , those locations can cover by America , Europe countries Afirca and Asia as well , so you can choose the proper location of your server to serve customers.

GEO Dedicated Servers location:

data center map
Secure Local Network

Dedicated Server Virtual Rack

The virtual Rack (v-Rack) allows you to isolate your sensitive servers and data like (Database , Storage Backup Servers) within a private VLAN. Your data is secure and communication between your servers is only routed as local network . and you can add as much as you want dedicated servers that support vRacks together and it will allow to use and communicate those server in secure local environment .As conclusion none of your sensitive data will be accessible for public and only available for your local usage only. With minimum 10 Mbps V-Rack Network speed allows you to transfer data between the servers in high secure connection with high private speed and this will give you an efficient backup or transfer and communicate strategy .
vRack Dedicated server

NAS Server Storage

From 1.2 TB to 26.4 TB of additional space for your dedicated server. NAS server is a storage space in an infrastructure. It can be connected to multiple dedicated servers and/or your dedicated cloud. NAS servers are equipped with RAID technology. It enables data to be spread across multiple disks in order to increase security. With minimum 10 Mbps V-Rack Network speed allows you to transfer data between the servers in high secure connection with high private speed and this will give you an efficient backup or transfer and communicate strategy .

NAS Benefits:

sla dedicated server
Our Service Level Agreement commitment

Dedicated Server SLA

Dedicated Server Hosting FAQ

A dedicated server as simple description is a single computer in a network reserved for serving the needs of the network. A dedicated server could also be a computer that manages printer resources. Note, however, that not all servers are dedicated. In some networks, it is possible for a computer to act as a server and perform other functions as well. So an online dedicated server, provides a hosting solution that is uniquely yours. In other words, if you take up dedicated server hosting from, you can be sure that you are not sharing resources or storage with anybody else. This provides you with the ultimate flexibility since you have full control over your server, including your choice of operating system and computer hardware.
Burstable bandwidth is ideal for network load peaks following TV, email and buzz marketing campaigns, or for ensuring on-demand high speed for your software update customers. The 1 Gbps and 3 Gbps burst feature is enabled by default on servers connected in 1 Gbps and 10 Gbps . This service is disabled as soon as your average guaranteed bandwidth consumption exceeds 50%.
NAS: is designed for high availability (up to 100%), these machines benefit from RAID configurations and offer excellent I/O performance. In standard, hybrid or full SSD version, the NAS server is connected via the network to all active dedicated servers so that your data can be easily spread out.
SSD Drive offer you high speed Input out , and the drive is more stable than the HDD , so SSDs work best if speed, ruggedness, form factor, noise, or fragmentation , the only Disadvantages of SSD and HDD can beat it is considering the price factor.

Dedicated servers from designed to those who desire powerful performance and fantastic reliability in order to give their website the best possible speed and dependability. advantage of using a dedicated server is the benefit of unlimited traffic, as regardless of the amount of data going to or from your server, also the brust network speed and Anti-DDoS Pro that protect your server from DDos attacks , and the vRak features that allow you to secure connections between your servers. In addition all Server’s processor build with Intel Xeon processor technology.

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