Managed Wordpress Hosting

Secure, reliable and powerful platform crafted for your Managed WordPress Hosting plans

Simple Steps to publish your wordpress


Select Themes and Plugins


Start Blogging



Managed Wordpress Hosting Prices

Choose from our Wordpress managed plans and get free months 

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Why Our Managed Wordpress Hosting


Plugin Packages

Choose form various most popular pre added plugins as packages within your account with one click activation


Wordpress Themes

Most popular and nice wordpress themes are Ready Pre-added to your packages to active and easily switch between wordpress themes.

Web Design

Wordpress Staging

Create a staging instance of this WordPress installation to test the upgrades and changes before pushing it to the live environment.


Change Domain

If you want to change the domain of your WordPress installation, you can select here the new one. Additionally, you can provide a new subdomain with the administrator password.


Wordpress Clone

This tool allows you to clone the WordPress installation from one location to any other domain. Enter a domain, and simply click clone.

backup flat

Auto Backup

Wordpress auto incremental Backup Installation ,restore files and database from any points from your back storage , Also backup the entire wordpress site on demand.

WordPress Hosting Magic Tools

Group wizard

Auto Wordpress Setup

No need for any legwork - Your Wordpress hosting comes pre-configured with the latest version of Wordpress and is ready-to-use the moment you buy it.

Auto Caching

Get the best-performing Wordpress sites with our Cloud Hosting. With cache and CDN auto-configured on all your packages, pages load much faster with the least amount of resources.

Auto Updates

Any patches or version upgrades released by Wordpress are automatically installed for your packages, not only making your sites future-proof but also more secure.

Also We cover Classic Wordpress Hosting

Need cPanel Classic We Hosting ?

WordPress Money back guarantee

Our Managed Wordpress Hosting are at risk free with 30 days money back guarantee , NO questions ASK
cash back

Choose thousands of free wordpress fancy themes and most powerful SEO and Editor plugins

Improve your wordpress ranking

WordPress Web Hosting FAQ

Most frequent questions and answers
WordPress is a free and open-source (CMS) content management system written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database.However, WordPress is the number 1 CMS in the world ,used by nearly 500 million websites .
Managed WordPress hosting is a type of web hosting that’s designed specifically to optimize WordPress .Above all we offers a free migration from one provider to another.
Your package will include #1 SEO (yoast) tools and cache plugin including elementor the most popular wordpress editor.
Yes, Multisite is supported you can easily with one click set it.