
How to install and enable GUI GNOME Desktop on centos 7

Usually CentOS 7 comes in a numbers of variants, For most users, there are two major options are the GUI installation. or the minimal installation, and in most cases users prefer to use minimal installation which use remote shell commands. In this article we will talk about switching from minimal installation to GUI (Graphical User Interface) installation.

What is GNOME?

GNOME is the most popular environment in the latest distributions of Linux. It’s the default environment in CentOS 7 GUI, Fedora 21 and later and Ubuntu 17.10

How to install GUI “GNOME Desktop” on centos7

Login to your server using SSH , then run the following command

Note that this may take a while, download required packages.
     yum groupinstall “GNOME Desktop” -y

Enable centos 7 GUI

By default after installing the “GNOME Desktop” group of packages, the default target will not have changed, as example after you reboot the server the GUI will not automatically load. To check the current default target run the following command:
     systemctl get-default
# ------ Result ------

The result means that still not GUI enabled. 

Now we change to graphical interface

     systemctl set-default
#Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/
#Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ to /usr/lib/systemd/system/


To verify again what is the default run again the command

     systemctl get-default
# ------ Result ------

And we are good , you can now reboot your server and the GUI interface will appear asking for accepting license , and under user settings , you can start add new users. You can change to the GUI by performing ‘systemctl isolate’ which will change us to the GUI immediately.

     systemctl isolate

“If you are using our VPS Server login to your client area and choose your VPS server and click VNC” , or you need to have VNC client to connect to your server.

To Remove centos 7 GUI

     yum groupremove "GNOME Desktop"

Visit the following for More resources regarding centos.

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