DNS Records

How to add DNS SPF Record for domain In Plesk

Sender Policy Framework (SPF) is a validation system that allows ISPs and mail servers to check if the incoming mail…

7 years ago

How to setup MX Entry And point to another mail server or domain

What MX Entry in cPanel and Why to use it DNS MX Records is used by a mail server to…

7 years ago

Enabling And Generating DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) in cPanel

Why you need DKIM Enabled on your Domain DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) is a way to make an encrypted digital…

7 years ago

What is SPF (Sender Policy Framework) And Overview of SPF mechanism

The Meaning of SPF (Sender Policy Framework) Sender Policy Framework (SPF) is a validation system that allows ISPs and mail…

7 years ago

What is DKIM and How KDIM work and why its important

What is DKIM? DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail)  is kind of validation method for authenticity of email message each sent mail…

7 years ago

How to use and Manage Advanced DNS Zone Editor in cPanel

What is DNS Records A DNS (Domain Name System) name server stores DNS records for a domain name. It's a…

7 years ago